Bert and Jeff taste test and review Lay's latest social experiment. Some were good, some were bad, but some gave all.
Geeky News 48 - Young Justice, Justice League Dark, and No Man's Sky
Bert and Jeff run down the week's geeky news
#ScienceSunday - Punching Corn Starch and Tripping Over Wagons
The gang gets weird with science. Joel made it back for another installment of #ScienceSunday and we do milk stuff, the corn starch blob, and the mentos requ...
Geeky News: Ghostbusters, Walter "Zordon" White, and Rogue One
In the second news segment, we talk about the new Ghostbusters cartoon, the new movie, Walter White taking over as Zordon, and Vader having a serious role in Star Wars: Rogue One.
Geeky News: Deaths and CW Flashpoint
First news segment for the week. Anton Yelchin met a horrible fate, Allen talks about some new movies coming out, and The Flash is going in a very interesting direction in season 3.
E3 Predictions
Yeah, its super late, but its fun to see what predictions we got right. We totally called the Skyrim remaster.
News in the new studio
Bert, Allen, and Jeff are in the new digs and start volume two of The Geekyest. Random news for the last month follows.
Watch Us Watch: Manborg
We finally decided to do an MST3K style commentary. Though not nearly as funny, well produced, or audible. Join us in our first commentary review. Allen came across cinematic gold when he found Manborg. We decided we had to do a video review and commentary on it based on the cover alone.
Daredevil Season 2
Jeff, Bert, and special guest Jim sit down to talk about what they've seen so far of Daredevil season 2.
Geeky News 32 (feat. Jim)
The rundown of this week's news in comics, TV, and movies.
Civil War and a Wall-Crawler
Check out what we had to think about the newest Civil War trailer that featured a certain wall-crawler.
Geeky News 31
This week's geek news all in one convenient place.
Ghostbusters and Cereal
Our thoughts on the full trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie. Then we go on a cereal tangent.
Fuller House
Jeff and Allen have seen some of Fuller House and we all have thoughts and opinions on what makes it oh so good, and oh so bad.
Geeky News 30
This week's news in movies, TV, comics, and video games.
Help #RenewYoungJustice!
We've all finally watched all of Young Justice. The criminally short two seasons of it. With the second season up on Netflix and serious rumblings of a possible third, now is no better time to rally the troops to help #RenewYoungJustice!
Geeky New 29, and Quesalupas!
Before the news this week, we taste test the new Taco Bell Quesalupa! Like all of Taco Bell's dishes, it's delicious. In the news, lots of DC news as always, the possibility of parallel universes, Deadpool news, and more!
Star Wars Ep VIII Possibilities
Episode VIII just started filming, so we venture two years into the future to tell you EXACTLY what is going to happen. Well, not exactly, but we do talk about references to new lore, toss some theories about, and try to see where Knights of the Old Republic might fit in.
Incredible Hulk: Incredible Redheaded Stepchild
Why does Marvel ignore Incredible Hulk as part of its canon? We don't know either, because it's a really good movie. Allen ponders this, and other Hulk MCU quandaries in his weekly segment.
Geoff Johns & Jeff Springs: Green Lantern Lovers
Jeff is picking back up on running through all of Green Lantern when Geoff Johns revamped the series and gives us a status update on where he is and why it's still awesome.